Reflection Point: Enduring Arab Proverbs

Wise phrases that prime you for resilience


THERE are turns of phrase that put life into sharp focus or reframe entire situations. There is ancestral wisdom laced into the fabric of the Arab world - shared words that have proven to be timeless.

Read a curation of special proverbs that aim to calm your soul, or fire-up action in aspects of your life.

.الوقت من ذهب

Time is gold. 

Further meaning: Similar to the popular English proverb, ‘time is money’.

الحركة بركة

Movement is a blessing. [Levantine]

Further meaning: Choose action over inaction. Change and progress happen when you act.

Deena By Larroudé Pump

Deena By Larroudé Pump

A feature or arches at the top of a staircase in Azzedine Alaïa's villa. Oliver Joest/Shutterstock.

.من طلب العلى سهر الليالي

The person that wants to be at the top must stay up at night.

Further meaning: If you want success then you must put in the hard work.

البحصة بتسند خابية

A pebble can support a barrel. [Levantine]

Further meaning: The smallest of things can make a big difference. Details and the slightest of actions can hold together huge things.

أحضر الناس جوابا من لم يغضب

The best answer comes from the person who is not angry.

Further meaning: A cool, calm mind will find the best reasoning, the inspirational response, or the logical solution.

أول الشجرة بذرة

A tree begins as a seed.

Further meaning: Do not underestimate the humble beginnings of something apparently destined for greatness.

.إذا كان الكلام من فضة فالسكوت من ذهب

If speech is silver, then silence is gold.

Further meaning: Be considered with your words and use them wisely.


Editor’s Note (for People Interested in Learning More About Arab Culture): Arabic is spoken by over 420 million people and is extremely important to Muslims because the Holy book, the Qur’an, was revealed in the Arabic language. While there are different denominations of Islam, the sacred Qur’an has not ever been changed, amended, or split. It remains whole.

There are over 25 dialects of Arabic. Many proverbs from the region’s rich cultural heritage vary with local vocabulary and pronunciation. Even if you do not read Arabic, many of the above phrases could be familiar to you. The meditations that have sprung from Arab proverbs have been translated many times over and shared globally. Occasionally in the above article the local dialect the proverb is written in has been noted. This reflects the chorus of dialect in collective wisdom. While it is challenging to truly translate from the lyrical tone of the Arabic language, there is a basic description in English for each phrase. 

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