These Classic Quotes Evoke 2025 Attitude & Gratitude

If you don’t have a life coach, then absorb this two-minute read as a pep talk


LET'S have a short and salty recap of recent times… We elegantly crawled into the New Year, experienced the longest January known to humanity (or so it feels), then the refresh button was pressed with the Lunar New Year; some unusual planetary alignments and shifts occurred, and a world of same-old/same-old fashion industry news swarmed through our IG feeds resulting in a general malaise of a couture lover’s soul. Where are we to turn for inspiration, if not to decorous shop windows, in the manner of Audrey Hepburn nonchalantly wearing Givenchy at 8am and eating a croissant (yet, without spilling a crumb) or… to reams of quotes that dance around our soul like a string of pearls!

If you feel disenchanted by the current affairs in the broadsheets or find yourself yawning through social media’s newly-cut algorithms, some good old-fashioned quotes are required to rev up your headspace. After all, classic quotes feel new-school. So unscrew your fountain pen and jot these on some Post-It notes, then scatter them around your home to get the good vibes and sharpness going for 2025:

“Karma doesn’t miss – it’s just patient” – Anon.

“Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.” – Arianna Huffinton.

“It’s funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.” – Oscar Auliq-Ice.

“It’s OK if you fall down and lose your spark, just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire.” – Colette Werden.

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” —Oscar Wilde.

“If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions.” ― Carlos Wallace

“Always have an attitude of gratitude.” – Sterling K. Brown

“Even if you are on the right track, if you just sit there you will get run over.” – Will Rogers.

“Elegance is refusal.” – Diana Vreeland

Feeling more focused? Good. Now go get 2025.

READ Deena’s latest editor’s letter here

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